Thursday, 20 January 2011

Penis Enlargement

I have people around me alot today in the flat so my photos might have to wait ...

Did same routine as yesterday - day off tomorrow.

Here it is

WHAT TO DO (I.E: What I did today)

2) Warm up penis, 5 mins

3) Stretching, 5 minutes, 10 x 30 second reps

4) Jelqing, 12 minutes of quality jelqs

5) Warmdown
Put the hot wrap on for another 5 minutes.

6) Device for 1 hour / 2 hours
As described before, using SizeGenetics device. Click to see my webpage about it.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

6.6 / 6.7 inches reached ALREADY from free penis enlargement

Measured today after my stretching / jelqing routine (posted below) as usual.

I had drawn a line on the ruler. I surpassed it with EASE and I now measure in at 6.6 or even 6.7 inches in length. This is a phenomenal gain. I can't believe it. I cannot convey to you my surprise.

I was not cheating with the ruler or doing anything funny and I checked again and again. I have NEVER been able to make the ruler say 6.7 under ANY circumstances - pushing in against skin or otherwise. Today it said 6.6/6.7 inches without even pushing in.

This stuff works and combining hand with device has turbocharged my results. PHOTOS TOMORROW + BEFORE/AFTER.

Until then, here was todays routine:

WHAT TO DO (I.E: What I did today)

2) Warm up penis, 5 mins

3) Stretching, 5 minutes, 10 x 30 second reps

4) Jelqing, 12 (2 mins longer than before) minutes of quality jelqs

5) Warmdown
Put the hot wrap on for another 5 minutes.

6) Device for 1 hour / 2 hours
As described before, using SizeGenetics device. Click to see my webpage about it.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

New home - new problems with penis enlargement

Hello everyone,

I moved into a new home, shared accommodation with 2 people I don't really know. This may present me with the same kind of problems that someone with a wife, kids or busy lifestyle may face when looking to undertake some kind of penis enlargement regime.

Issue: can't stand in shower for an hour doing exercises
Solution: will have to do exercises in my room. Luckily I feel my flatmates respect my privacy and will not "barge in".

Issue 2: water from shower etc not hot enough for the warmup
Solution: this is not a huge problem since I have now decided to do my regime in my bedroom.
I bought a sock and filled it with rice. Tied one end. I microwaved this for 30 seconds to create a kind of hot sock which can be wrapped around penis for the warmup. In truth I used pasta, not rice - which I wouldnt recommend as it cools down rapidly.

Managed to my stretching routine but not jelqing as I had nothing to lubricate shaft with. Also did not wear device as I have the attitude of "I'll start properly tomorrow again once I have lubricant".

So; bit of stretching today.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Moving home

Quick message; been busy packing / generally moving home. See you on the other side tomorrow night everyone, where I plan to kick things into overdrive.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Day 8

My day off from penis enlargement today! You should take a day off too. If you are brand new to this blog and my routine, jump back to Day 1 to catch up and "begin".

Someone asked my via email [ddrw_check @] whether or not you need to both with the penis extender as part of your routine and if you can't just use your hands only in the shower.

My answer is pretty simple. Everyone starts out in the weight lifting gym doing just bicep curls. They ignore everything else, and just think they can do bicep curls and a few situps and end up like brad pit. Eventually they get a tiny little buldge of a bicep but still look skinny and pathetic. It is only when they start doing bench press, squats, deadlift and other "Big" exercises that they start to look actually muscular and not just like a boy with little biceps.

My attitude to penis enlargement in the same. The device stretches for time I cannot do with my bare hands. Will wearing the device make my penis SHORTER? Will it make gains LESS likely? The way I see it, combining the device and hand routines cannnot FAIL to speed up gains. As I mentioned, when I bought my device they pushed the hand routine book called PenisAdvantage on me at the checkout. Clearly the two are meant to go together.

I know fine well that people who are starting this wont bother with the device too. If you are serious, just take my word for it and use both, dont skimp.

You can find links to JesExtender and SizeGenetics in my first post. JesExtender is like half the prize of SizeGenetics.

I hate how flakey people are! I pride myself on taking whatever I set out to do seriously and sticking with it until I succeed. If you're like me, you'd do well to go the whole nine yards and give this penis enlargement thing a fair shot the proper way.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Day 7

Same routine as yesterday.

I should mention that the hand + device routine I'm doing is scheduled to last for 6 weeks.

I drew a line on my ruler with an erection about 2 weeks ago. Today, I noticed I slightly exceed this line (immediately after my jelqing routine).

I have now been warming up and stretching in the shower then jelqing with lubricant on shaft in front of the computer. I have been doing this at about 80% erect.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Penis Enlargement Day 5

Todays routine, I focused more on duration of jelqing rather than counting reps. There is a temptation to speed up jelqing when counting reps rather than counting time.

I find it easier to put on the penis device (see Day 1) after jelqing, because I have been warmed up.

I feel like even if you dont bother with the shower routine and just use device you should consider warming up beforehand.

WHAT TO DO (I.E: What I did today)

1) Get in shower.

2) Warm up penis, 5 mins

3) Stretching, 5 minutes, 10 x 30 second reps

4) Jelqing, 10 minutes of quality jelqs

5) Warmdown
Put the hot wrap on for another 5 minutes.

6) Device for 1 hour / 2 hours
As described in yesterdays post.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Penis Enlargement Day 4

Same shower / device routine as Day 1&2 - click on the link on the right to find out more.

I measured today (stupidly) to see gains, unsurprisingly there are none. I must remember not to check until my 6 weeks on the "beginner program" I am using now are up!

I stepped up my jelqing to 11 minutes today.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Penis Enlargement Day 3

Day off! No shower work, no jelqing, no device today.

Not because I'm lazy but because this is part of my plan. You should take a day off today, too - remember: more isn't more when it comes to training.

2 days on, 1 day off. 2 days on, 1 day off.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day 2

If you are new to this blog, jump back to the first post.

I repeated the same routine as yesterday:

WHAT TO DO (I.E: What I did today)

1) Get in shower.

2) Warm up penis, 5 mins

3) Stretching, 5 minutes, 10 x 30 second reps

4) Jelqing, 10 minutes, 200 reps x 3 seconds

5) Warmdown
Put the hot wrap on for another 5 minutes.

6) Device for 1 hour / 2 hours
As described in yesterdays post.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Penis Enlargement Day By Day: Day 1

Welcome! My name is John and I'm from Scotland. I have an average sized penis.

You can e-mail me and get in touch at any time at ddrw_check [AT] I am a friendly (straight!) guy interested in improving myself and helping others. Please do not, however, e-mail me with chat up lines or webcam propositions or anything else because I am not interested and they make me less inclined to "put myself out there" online with my 8 inch penis mission.

I have been interested in penis enlargement since March 12th 2009. I started out with a penis 6.3 inches in length. Images of that can be found here on my Mission 8 Inches website I started in 2009. Check them out then come back here.

There are a confusing number of articles and advertisements and counter claims about penis enlargement online. Penis enlargement is possible [e-mail me if you'd like to debate this!] Sadly, however, a lot of things online that promise gains are bullshit. This is no different to the diet industry. Think of all the stupid six pack ab crunch machines you've seen or diet pills. PE is no different. A lot of junk is sold to desperate people. There are also good products and devices.

Enlargement takes time and mechanical work. Pills do not work.

My personal enlargement story begins with a penis extender and nothing else.

Don't think this is another blog trying to sell you extenders - but I must begin my story with an explanation about one because its simply part of my journey. Bear with me. I begun my penis enlargement journey by purchasing the SizeGenetics extender. I used it - not very often - until around November in 2010 when I reached 6.5 inches in length. Link / images here. Gains had been made as promised by the devices website in accordance with predictions. I'm not here with a horror story or a scathing review or even the worlds best review of SizeGenetics: I put in around 200-300 hours with the device, intermittently, and experienced gains. It's that simple. The device works. My page about the device, what it is and how it works can be found here. You may have seen this device under other names such as the JesExtender.

Now, after becoming fascinated by possibility and the effectiveness of the device, I decided in 2011 to take things to the "next" level. The next level, in this case, is the first level - how I should have started out my mission! In 2011, for me, I will not simply be simply wearing the device more. My gains will be achieved by wearing it less (but still wearing it) and using it in conjunction with hand exercises.

Extensive online research and discussion with other people has confirmed my suspicions that fast gains in less time with less hassle are yielded by a mixture of "hand" exercises coupled with device usage. Even the SizeGenetics website itself tries to upsell a hand exercise manual called PenisAdvantage with the device and suggests that you do both!

SO: I am going to be doing hand exercises AND wearing the device I bought. I am not going to be spending 10 hours a day wearing the device. I am not going to be spending 5 or 6 hours doing hand exercises.

Neither are you.

This year, I want you to copy me. I have made gains so far, but in the new year I am imagining I am a total beginner.

I am going to begin from scratch with a brand new regime which has been designed for beginners by people far smarter than me. I ask you to copy me, every day. Add this website to your bookmarks and visit it every day. When I take a day off - you will take a day off. You will copy the exact exercises I do and wear the device I own for the same amount of time as I do. You can simply copy the hand exercises - who am I to stop you? - but I do not recommend this.

I suggest to you that by copying me for 30 minutes in the shower every day and by wearing the device for less time every day than those who wear it for 8 or 9 hours a day (I find this ridiculous and inconvenient) you can see the same gains.

This website will be updated every single day. I could spend a lot of time getting you motivated here, but I want to keep things simple. I have made a video here in which I talk about a stunning girl and what penis enlargement means to me. I think it will get you into the right mindset.

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You will need ALL of these things - dont skimp out on warmup or device or any part of this:

- Yourself
- A towel
- Shower or free space
- Lubricant (anything will do really, even handgel)
- A penis extender (here or the cheaper JesExtender) - questions answered here, proof of gains here
- 1 hour and 30 minutes of your time free

WHAT TO DO (I.E: What I did today)

1) Get in shower.

2) Warm up penis
by using towel, wrapped around penis. This is how I do it - I wrap a towel around my penis (a thin towel) and put the extremely hot shower head on it - I make sure my penis is extremely warmed up. A 5 minute warmup is absolutely vital. I don't want to have to explain everything I've researched but I will explain this - if you don't have a warmed up penis stretching can be dangerous. A 30 second warm up in hot water is not sufficient. You need to wrap the penis in something hot for a minimum of 5 minutes. E-mail me for more on this topic. ddrw_check [AT]

3) Stretching, 5 minutes, 10 x 30 second reps
Penis should be warmed up, don't bother doing this unless you've warmed up. A penis stretch is just what it sounds like - you stretch it away from the body. There are tons of penis stretches people have come up with. I am doing the "standard" one and so should you.

I made an "ok" sign with my hand and gripped my penis head. I stretched my penis out perpendicular to my body ahead of me and held firm for 30 seconds. I then released, rubbed my penis a little bit and then repeated. This was performed flaccid. I had no trouble gripping my penis. Stretch very firm but don't do anything stupid and damage yourself. You should feel the ligaments (the base of your penis) feel some kind of light stretching here.

10 reps is alot if you're doing them properly!

4) Jelqing, 10 minutes, 200 reps x 3 seconds

What is jelqing? I took this screenshot during my research. Click here (its an image)
Jelqing is definitely a skill; you will get better as you do it (Ive been told)

Don't try and cut corners or think you know better - JUST follow instructions perfectly. Don't do more reps than described here. More is NOT better. People who have been doing PE for years have collaborated to come up with the routine I'm describing here (it's called the "newbie routine" by them).

5) Warmdown
Put the hot wrap on for another 5 minutes.

Your penis will be noticeably longer already (temporary). If you think penis enlargement is total bogus, promise me you try the routine above at least once. I guarantee you will see a glimmer of potential when you feel your longer penis, even if it does only last a short time.

6) Device for 1 hour / 2 hours
The penis extender was originally designed as a device to "hold" the penis in a lengthened position and stop ligaments cut loose during surgery (to lengthen the penis) from shortening. It stands to reason that wearing the device after a stretching / jelqing session is the best time to wear it and to maximise what you've done in the shower. The device as mentioned above is actually sold with something called Penis Advantage which you dont need because I am giving you a daily routine to copy here!!!

Here is how you wear the device: (my website) and more information about the device.

I wore mine for 2 hours today but as my shadow you should wear for 1 hour immediately after shower routine unless you have used it before.

You need both the device and the "hands" routine to make quick gains. That is my view on it after all my research and all the evidence. I run a website about my dick so you can be guaranteed I have learnt and found out what works and what doesn't!

So there you have it. My routine. COPY IT TONIGHT, come back tomorrow and copy tomorrows one etc etc.

Key links again:
Explanation of jelqing: here
SizeGenetics website: here
JesExtender website: here

Email me at ddrw_check [at] with questions or suggestions to improve this post AND PUT THIS BLOG IN YOUR FAVOURITES.

Good luck, come back tomorrow.

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